Friday, August 19, 2005



I have a problem with conforming. I love my quirks. I love my idiosyncrasies. I love the ideas that I have in my mind, my heart, and my soul. I love that I have all the answers inside me.

Conforming is just there to make life easy. When we feel like we want to belong, to fit in, to be loved, to not be alone, to be safe, to be secure…we conform.

Some of spend our whole lives to conforming to things that are not really us.

I am deathly afraid of becoming an old man who has realized that he spent his whole life conforming to something, and realizes that not only is that not who he is, but that he has not been able to contribute to the world in the way that he really wants to.

I just watched “About Schmidt” last night. There was some very powerful ideas in there. He realized late in life that he had conformed. He had never really made a significant difference in anybody’s life in a way that he wanted to.  How have I made a difference in anybody’s life?


Blogger Ryan Mlynarczyk said...

wow. thank you Justin. I think i am realizing that I have made a difference in peoples lives now. But sometimes it's hard to think that I have made a difference when there are so many realtionships that have crumbled, or been lost. I just have to get used to the idea that a relationship can change, and move on, and that a difference can still have been made.

August 25, 2005 10:28 AM  

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