Tuesday, November 01, 2005

worth it?

In our struggles to figure out how to fix our cars and keep them on the road, i often wonder "is it worth it?"

Like this picture of my friend Dave, working on his engine, and struggling to figure out which part is broken, I often wonder why we spend so much of our time, money, and other resources on our cars.

Transportation in this society needs to be changed BADLY. I was talking with a woman last night at a halloween party (who was dressed as a sperm (from the woody allen movie "everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask), and she was telling me that she spends very little time in a car and most of her time on a bike.

Think about it:

A car costs a lot of money to buy.

A car costs a lot of money to insure.

Driving a car costs gas money. That gas had to come from somewhere abroad as the United States doesn't really have any domestic oil. We often get that oil from contries we have invaded or had some sort or political or violent turmoil with.

Driving cars also costs expensive repair money.

Cars are pollute the earth and probably cause global warming which is now probably causing catastrophic hurricane weather to kill people and damage things.

Cars also are made of not only many metal parts (which come from strip mining which damages the earth) but also from many plastic parts (which come from oil, and we already talked about how that is not a good thing).

Driving cars also makes us lazy and fat. Nobody gets any excercise from driving a car.

Driving cars are dangerous. The roads are full of accidents EVERY DAY.

ARE WE INSANE? the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and trying to get different results.

How about riding bikes?

Bikes don't cost as much as cars.

Bikes don't need to be insured.

The only fuel you need to put into a bike is what you would feed yourself...so you are killing two birds with one stone there.

Most people can fix a bike themselves for very cheap and with few extra parts.

Bikes don't pollute the earth, and the metal and plastic they use are very small compared to that of a car.

People get a lot of excercise from riding bikes and stay healthy this way.

Bikes are mostly dangerous because of the danger of them getting hit by cars. If there were no cars on the road and only bikes, it would be extremely rare for people to die from a bike to bike accident.

The only loss from riding a bike is the distance you are able to travel is dramatically reduced. But honestly, I believe that most people would benefit from traveling less distances every day. It would localize our lives, give us more incentive to create and invest in our immediate communities, and would enable us to actually say hi to people as we walked or biked down the paths.

Let's think about the opportunity cost of driving and move on towards something that is worth our time, energy, and health!


Blogger truevyne said...

I have ONE buddy in Knoxville who rides his bike to work. He and his wife purposely moved close enough to stores, so that they can walk to shop for groceries and to the drug store. If I ever move back to the city, I hope to adopt this lifestyle.
However, I live the country life and a car is as necessary as any other convenience. I couldn't reach civilization without it.

November 01, 2005 2:46 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

My dad rides his bike everywhere, always has. He owns a car, but only drives it VERY infrequently. He's one of the healthiest and most in-shape 68 yr olds I've ever seen.

I, on the other hand, have been in three pretty major bicycle accidents. After the last one, which resulted in reconstructive plastic surgery and 5 new teeth, I'm just too afraid of bikes. And there's NO WAY in hell I'd put my kid on the back of one.

But I'll walk darn near anywhere. ;)

Dinner some Saturday this month? This coming weekend isn't good, but other than that, what Saturday would work for you two?

November 01, 2005 3:30 PM  
Blogger Ryan Mlynarczyk said...

sometimes i wonder why civilzation is necessary? It sounds like you could have all you need out in the county. But alas, yes, we have our creature comforts, and thus civilization beckons us down the road...to bad you can't reach it without a car. My hope is to live in the country someday too, but to create a community of people out there that support each other in the way that civilization does, so as to not have to go into civilazation too much.

Aimee, so you got in a bad bike accidnet huh? Wow, did a car hit you?
I have been in some bad bike accidents with other bikes when I went to UC Davis (the bike capitol of the US). But I still favor bikes over cars...car accidents are a lot worse than bike to bike accidents.

Yes. let's try next saturday (not this one).

November 01, 2005 3:40 PM  
Blogger truevyne said...

Dear Ry,
I'd love to live in community as well. Waiting for the idea to come together for others to join us.

November 05, 2005 4:36 PM  

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