Friday, December 16, 2005

no photo please and water in LA

This is an interesting phenomenon I have been having to learn about many people lately whose pictures I want to take...they don't want it taken! I don't know, maybe there's a lesson to be learned here that's parallel to the stories of native peoples who don't want their pictures taken as they feel a part of their soul is taken when that happens.

Believe it or not this beautiful waterfall is in the middle of downtown LA. It is one of the most beautiful water sculptures I have ever seen in a city as it looks like a real creek cascading down these long steps near the public library. I like that idea...a waterfall cascading down to the library of knowledge!

In the mean's some distractions from the purity of art and knowledge:
Pet Tags

precious metals trading

women's diamond watches

Friday, December 09, 2005

Lines and circles

Power lines can actually make a nice artistic feature...if viewed in a positive way!

Recycled bottles can make a wall. It's called "earthship housing". It's cheap, environmentally friendly, pretty, insulated, durable, let's beautiful light in, and the filler material is earthen materials so it's all good in the long run!


Watch the road, and the signs...and we're watching you (but how can we watch the road with the big signs distracting us?)! Don't you ever just crave some space sometimes...big cities like LA can sure make me feel like I need space! Coming home to the small town/countryside of Santa Rosa is always a relief when coming from LA.

Poor marketing choice! This is how NOT to advertise! Towing your own beat up old tow truck with another one of your tow trucks, while both are emblazoned with your companies name on the side. Doesn't that give the message that...hey!...we tow!...even our own trucks!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

From Trees

Both leaves and money come from trees.
Which would you prefer to eat from? Which would you prefer to go away?

This is a wood horse found in the De Young Museum in SF. I just like the idea of making things out of natural makes me wonder how many other things in this world of overconsumption and environmentally degrading products, could be cleverly made with environmentally and socially conscious products.

Things like these below (the ad links again!) can be made to be cleverly fit into environmental and social products too!

online program

Pet ID Tags

Finance Recruitment

car insurance

malpractice lawyers

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

back in action

The past two and a half weeks I have taken quite a lot of photos, but haven't blogged mostly due to the fact that it snowballed into too big of a task to catch up. I have decided not to catch up, but to instead blog two photos a day for the next two weeks. That should get me back on track, and be easier than trying to blog all 19 days at once.

Here's an interesting sight I saw in LA when I was down for thanksgiving. An LA Water manhole cover, with dead leaves and a cigarette butt. Just seems to be the perfect accesories for the phrase..."LA Water". BLECK! Just the idea of that water makes me wanna puke!

This photo reminds me that sometimes being broken allows new and beautiful things to grow. We often hold on to our form and structure so much that we think of being broken or cracked as a terrible thing. But if we could see the beauty that can grow out of the brokeness, we might see that from a whole new perspective.