Thursday, September 08, 2005

Fear, Anarchy, Love

It is interesting that in the past week i have seen two of the things I have been preparing for in the study of fear in my life and those around me....anarchy and reactionary fear based family disfunction. When we live in fear, as I have seen myself and others around me,live in all my life, it is only obvious that a buildup and then a violent blowup or a chaotic outpouring will ensue. Our society has progressively become more and more lazy, dependent on comfort and luxuries, and idle. And all the while people are becoming more and more fear oriented and focusing heavily on self-protection. For example, we watch movies like "Independence Day" or "War of the Worlds" or "Armeggedon" all in the expectation that some evil thing is out there and ready to come and wipe us out. Sure it may be, but when we live in fear of it, rather than just living in the moment and enjoying the lives we have today, we isolate ourselves from the world around us and eventually each other.
When an event like Hurricane Katrina happens which is utterly devestating and people who have lived in fear and isolation from the world around them and eachother, it is only fitting that the government would respond with a delayed response...because of course a government of a people who are isolated will respond in delayed and isolated manner from it's people. The government is made up of the same isolated people as those that it governs. When the people break out in riots, looting, and anarchy, of course the government is going to respond with mandatory evacuations, shoot to kill enforcement of the city, and guns and soldiers sent to patrol a humanitarian disaster. These problems are all rooted in something so deep that it goes down the deepest levels of every individuals heart. I have seen a great divide in our nation in recent times, and my conversation with my father this week was greatly symbolic of the two opposion factions. My fathers heart is fearful, and his actions are a direct result of some deeply imbedded fear that he has not overcome. My actions toward him need to be based out of the love for him, and life, that i feel, and the fear that i have overcome. Let's evolve people!


Blogger Aimee said...

Wouldn't it be great if we could actually force people to evolve? ((Sigh)) a perfect world...

September 13, 2005 9:35 PM  

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