Law school classes haven't even started yet...and I have the biggest homework assignment I have ever had in my entire history of schooling.
I haphazardly decided to go into the law school last friday to pick up my syllabus's and see which section I am in, and to find out if i need to buy my books now, or if I can wait until class starts.
The law school staff looked at me like I was crazy.
"Are you know you have assignments in all your classes before they start next week right!?!?!!?"
"NO! I didn't! Good thing i stopped by today."
"Yes...and you will ALWAYS have assignments due before your classes start in law school"
Alright...good to know...great start to law school!
Well it gets better. So i got my syllabus's for the three classes I take this year...Criminal Law, Torts, and Contracts. I went and bought the books, and the first assignment in the criminal law class was 120 pages!!!! I also have two 50 page assignments in the other two classes!! And the 120 page assignment for the crim law class includes about 10 cases to be briefed!!!!
Ok..breathe...i can do this...
So I read for about 6 hours this past weekend thinking that should get me throught the first assignment.
YEAH RIGHT!! That's the thickest reading I have ever done in my life...i heard a great quote last spring in my intro classes:
"Reading legalese is like trying to stir concrete with your eyelashes"
That's it!!! It's concrete...and I am the friekin' eyelash of a knat trying to stir this stuff.
Last night I stayed up until 1:30 reading my law stuff. I only made it to page 20. I was writing the briefs (summaries) of the cases as I went (so as to be prepared in class incase I get called on), so i was reading and rereading and trying to comprehend every word. There were so many words I had never even heard of! My SAT word lists in high school have failed me!!!! I ended up looking up all the big words i didn't know up in the dictionary. I got into the office this morning VERY tired and frustrated that I didn't get more accomplished.
So I talked to Jim (my boss at the law office) this morning about my frustration of not getting all my reading done, and he said... can't sit there and try to comprehend every just have to skim it all and get through it. Otherwise you will never get it all done.
OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I get it now. So tonight I am going to just jam through as much as I can and hopefully finish the rest of the 100 pages i have left to read!!!!
So...this is it...the beginning of the saga of Law school. I am a 1L!