Thursday, September 29, 2005

Freedom Wood

Just a little politically loaded picture here. I couldn't help but just pull off and take this picture when I was driving home from the ocean with Adrien. After having enjoyed a day of the beautiful scenery of the ocean, the hills, the meadows, lakes, rivers, ponds, and forests, it just seemed so shocking to see several HUGE piles of wood (probably 30 feet high each) with an american flag planted on top, and a "WOOD FOR SALE" sign next to it.

Although i have nothing against using firewood, it just seemed so typical of our overconsumptuous American society to capitalize on nature but cutting down a forest and selling it as firewood. Here was an ABUNDANT supply of firewood that some property owner was going to make a fortune on, and to show his pride of the capitalistic system that encourages this nature damaging fortune hunting, a flag was placed on top as if to symbolize it had been conquered. FREEDOM WOOD!


Nothing of note happened yesterday, except it was nice to see Adriem beaming about how warmly welcomed she felt at the school staff meeting she stood up and spoke at. I also was thrilled that the prinicple gave her approval to hang some of my picures in the school library for decoration! The plan is to hang 1 picture to represent each section of the dewey decimal system(ex. science, history, etc.).

Watched the movie Paper Chase...i highly recommend it to anyone interested in law school.

It was especially weird for me and Adrien to watch because it directly related to us in so many ways about law school and how it is so difficult to be in a relationship during law school. Nice to know we weren't alone in our struggles earlier this month.


Blogger Aimee said...

Dude, I thought of you yesterday when I was driving north on 101. In the lane right next to me, heading NORTH, was a huge truck hauling a redwood tree.

We're chopping down the majestic redwoods and moving them NORTH! The sadness and irony did not escape me. I knew you'd appreciate it.

September 29, 2005 3:38 PM  

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