Monday, September 26, 2005

"It's Just Trash"

This is a pile of trash that was along side Hwy 101 in Santa Rosa with a sign next to it that said "Don't Trash California". It would have been ideal to take this shot at rush hour traffic to get an even more intense contrast between the billboard's instructions and the irony of gridlocked cars polluting the air. But the funniest thing happened when i was getting back in the car...a police officer on a motorcycle pulled up behind my car, which I admit, I had unwisely parked on the side of an onramp to the freeway, and he asked me what the problem was. I said "Nothing officer, i am a photographer and I was taking photos of that pile of trash and the sign". His shocking response was:
"It's just trash, what's there to take a picture of? Please go ahead and merge safely"
Then he told me that CALTRANS (and the department of transportation) have a new public awarness campaign going on and they will be doing this all the time now...putting the trash they pick up on the highway in a big pile for everyone to see with a sign near it.

This blog is the first of my new format. Since withdrawing from law school, I have been intensly focusing on my photography (as well as Adrien!).

Since blogging is very similar to photojournalism, and that is something I am interested in, I am going to start keeping a daily photojournal of a photo I have taken that day. For a while though I am just going to backtrack on some of my favorite photos that I would like to blog about (not to mention I won't be taking photos with my digital rebel for awhile as it needs to be sent back to Canon to get the flash circuit fixed since it is not working for some reason...that will take a couple months I hear!).

Then one day when I have finished that project I am publicly vowing right now, to post one photo a day...that I have taken that day, and write an entry about the photo My hope is that they will be brief...a skill i learned in law school. HA!


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